NextSeq 550Dx llumina

The revolution in human genome sequencing

NextSeq 550Dx machine screen illuminates

What is NextSeq 550DX lllumina?

The NextSeq 550DX lllumina improves genetic analysis capabilities with more accurate and broader studies. This state-of-the-art equipment performs in vitro diagnostics (IVD) and next-generation sequencing (NGS), especially designed to analyse complete genomes or tumours. This innovation enables a fast, high-performance workflow for molecular diagnostics and clinical trials.


How it works

NextSeq 550DX operates in 3 phases, from preparing in-development test pipelines, to automated sequencing, all the way to a complete high-precision analysis in just a few hours.


Capabilities and benefits

The NextSeq 550DX lllumina stands out for these benefits:

• Its flexibility enables a wide variety of diagnoses to be delivered faster.

• Instruments and reagents are FDA regulated to ensure consistent performance.

• The equipment can design customized clinical trials, with regulated components.


NextSeq 550DX lllumina at Joaquim Chaves Saúde

Joaquim Chaves Saúde relies on state-of-the-art equipment, applying technological innovation to the analysis of genetic variation and function. The NextSeq 550DX lllumina quickly performs studies that were not possible until a few years ago, one of several advanced tools in Molecular Biology and Genetics in our Medical Genetics Laboratory.

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