We support top 5 national athlete Joaquim Chaves

Joaquim Chaves celebrating with his board up

Joaquim Chaves, an athlete supported by Joaquim Chaves Saúde, shone brightly in the waters of Ribeira d'Ilhas (Ericeira) and Ribeira Grande (Azores), winning the third and fourth rounds of the prestigious MEO Surf League National Surf Championship. His exceptional performance in these competitions put him in the spotlight, elevating him to the national top five.

Joaquim Chaves' talent is nothing new to those who follow his career. With a solid and ongoing partnership, we demonstrate the Group's commitment to promoting and encouraging the development of young talent.

With his recent victories, surfer Joaquim Chaves is in a privileged position to compete for the national title. His consistent performance makes him a serious contender in the quest for the ultimate accolade on the national surfing scene.

We support surfer Joaquim Chaves

We reiterate our ongoing commitment on following and supporting young surfer Joaquim Chaves on his journey to the national title. The thrill of surfing, combined with the athlete's performance, make this partnership a source of pride for everyone involved.

Joaquim Chaves Surfer