Joaquim Chaves Saúde mobile clinic takes clinical analyses to isolated communities

As of Monday 10 March, Joaquim Chaves Saúde's new mobile health centre began touring various locations in Portugal, with the aim of bringing health services to people who, until then, had to travel several kilometres to carry out clinical analyses.

This innovative project aims to reverse the traditional logic and ensure that clinical analyses reach people, promoting greater accessibility and comfort in the interior of our country. Although this unit is mobile, it is equipped with all the necessary technology to carry out analyses with the same quality and excellence as any other Joaquim Chaves Saúde unit.

During the months of March and April, the mobile unit will be in the following locations in Alentejo:

•    Montes Juntos: 10th and 24th March and 7th and 21st April, between 8am and 8.45am;
•    Cabeça de Carneiro: 10th and 24th March and 7th and 21st April, between 9am and 9.30am;
•    Vendinha: 10th and 24th March and 7th and 21st April, between 10.15am and 11am;
•    Aldeia dos Orvalhos (Santiago Maior): 11th and 25th March and 8th and 22nd April, between 8am and 8.45am;
•    Ferreira de Capelins: 11th and 25th March and 8th and 22nd April, between 9.15am and 10am;
•    Rosário: 11th and 25th March and 8th and 22nd April, between 10.15am and 11am;
•    Pardais: 12th and 26th March and 9th and 23rd April, between 8.15am and 9am;
•    Bencatel: 12th and 26th March and 9th and 23rd April, between 9.15am and 10am;
•    Rio de Moinhos (Borba): 12th and 26th March and 9th and 23rd April, between 10.15am and 11am;
•    S. Pedro do Corval: 13th and 27th March and 10th and 24th April, between 8am and 8.45am;
•    Sto. António do baldio: 13th and 27th March and 10th and 24th April, between 9am and 9.30am;
•    S. Manços: 13th and 27th March and 10th and 24th April, between 10.15am and 11am;
•    Sto. Amador: 14th and 28th March and 11th April, between 8.30am and 9.15am;
•    Pedrogão do Alentejo: 14th and 28th March and 11th April, between 10.00 and 10.45.

With this initiative, it is hoped to improve access to health care, especially for the elderly population or those with mobility difficulties, guaranteeing a neighbourhood service that is essential for the prevention and early diagnosis of illnesses.

Analytical Areas

Find out which analytical areas are available in our Laboratories.

Looking for information about an analysis?

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